Message from the Vice Principal

Welcome to Landway Theological Seminary and another great experience of theological studies! I look forward to sharing a wonderful year of learning with you. Our teachers are continually looking for new and creative ways to engage our students and get them excited about learning. We have high expectations for all our students, and in order to ensure success, this year will be a joint effort between the students, teachers, administrators, and well-wishers.

As the new section begins, let’s work together to create a seminary that will provide each student with the positive support and instruction that they will need to have a successful academic achievement. I want our students to enjoy coming to LTS each and every scheduled program. We will do this by creating an LTS environment that is filled with rich experiences, challenging projects, high academic achievement, and lasting friendships.

Additionally, I feel it is particularly important to develop and maintain positive communication with our well-wishers and promote family and church involvement throughout the academic section. Our Landway platform has several activities planned for the academic year that will provide well-wishers the opportunity to meet other great personalities in social settings, but also to engage and bond with their own ministry. I encourage every well-wisher to become a member of our LTS family. Furthermore, pastors, seminarians, educationalist, and missionary workers are essential to the success of our LTS. They are the first to know whether their participation is enjoying by LTS, whether their students’ special attention in a specific area in studies or whether their relationship encourages his/her academic development. Please don’t hesitate to share any concerns you have with your well-wishers. Our commitment to theological education is – both academically and spiritual development.

I am so excited to be a part of the Landway family, and I am confident this will be a great time!

Dr. Jipson Lawrance J
M.A (Psy.); M.A. (Ancient. Gk.Ed); M.Th.; Ph.D (Psy); Ph.D (Edu.)
Vice Principal